Mass effect 2 rich planets
Mass effect 2 rich planets

6, 7), but not both for the same planet, leaving uncertain 4 the true elemental C and O inventory and subsequent C/O and metallicity determinations. Previous observations of hot Jupiters have been able to provide bounded constraints on either H 2O (refs. Hot Jupiters that form beyond the major volatile (H 2O/CO/CO 2) ice lines and subsequently migrate post disk-dissipation are predicted have atmospheric carbon-to-oxygen ratios (C/O) near 1 and subsolar metallicities 2, whereas planets that migrate through the disk before dissipation are predicted to be heavily polluted by infalling O-rich icy planetesimals, resulting in C/O < 0.5 and super-solar metallicities 1, 2.

mass effect 2 rich planets

Measurements of the atmospheric carbon (C) and oxygen (O) relative to hydrogen (H) in hot Jupiters (relative to their host stars) provide insight into their formation location and subsequent orbital migration 1, 2.

Mass effect 2 rich planets